
Im new to Juno so i want to see if there is a known solution to this. i tried searching this forum and steam but i didnt see anything similar.

i have a kerolox main stage and 2 side mounted solid boosters. all 3 light at stage 1.

i see i can get a min/max partID. i could use that to iterate over the parts and determine type and mass. and use that to see if my tanks are getting low. but is there a way i can get thrust from an active engine?

or differentiate between solid fuel and kerolox. the only fuel expression i see returns all fuel in a stage.



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    242 Dereric

    If you want to detach your empty solid boosters by vizzy, you can realize it by the difference in thrust.

    For example, wait 5 seconds after liftoff, then set an variable with your current thrust and name it maybe max-thrust.
    Then something like
    "If not grounded, wait 5 seconds", then
    "set variable max-thrust to current thrust"
    "If current thrust < max-thrust then activate stage"

    For this example, the side detachers should be in Stage 2.

    2.1 years ago
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    well i found a solution though it's not dynamic.
    i set the interstages to activation group 1. and moved them to stage 3(with my upper stage this is to avoid having a stage with only interstages)
    i set a variable to the dry mass of the booster. and compare that to the current booster mass and then activate group 1 if needed. this lets me dump the solid boosters once they are no longer efficient (hardcoded by mass) and also let me use a fuel = 0 for staging the rest of the rocket.

    2.1 years ago

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