There are very little tutorials on YouTube and I don't know how to learn this game. For example I saw there is a radar in WASP module the one comes with game so I wondered how to make a radar in this game. I searched on Google on YouTube but couldn't find anything more than people showing their radars or missiles.



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    The same way you learn to play with legos, create.

    It does not matter if its not perfect, fix what you can and enjoy playing with it.

    2.0 years ago
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    @Toinkove When you get in the cockpit you can choose RADAR f rom MFD. It ıs not an air to air radar but it is air to ground radar actually. But works i n same way

    2.1 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Learned it from a hell of a lot of hours in-game experience!

    2.1 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Oh the F-18 plane! Yeah I don’t think think that has a radar!

    2.1 years ago
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    @SamTheFox Not a single thing just I wonder how people like you (people know this game well enough to create things) learned it. When I want to create a complicated thing in KSP for example I can l ook for tutorials on youtube and usually I can find. How can you learn game without tutorials out there. Need to be honest I was never too interested in space. I usually play games like these to create planes, missiles and things like that. There are guided missiles in YouTube videos but there are no tutorials. Or some other guided staff. Usually I want to do those things.

    2.1 years ago
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    @Toinkove No it is not a mod it is one of the stock modules that come with game. It ıs an aırcraft (Copy of F18).

    2.1 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Ok nvm you said WASP mod! Need to get someone who knows that mod to answer that.

    2.1 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    You’re right there needs to be more out there for new players to explain the game (KSP tutorials often work Despite the differences on the game)

    As for actual radar, that sounds like mod! Never seen a radar for the stock game.

    2.1 years ago
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    ok what do u want to learn in this game

    2.1 years ago

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