Hi im VITAS,
i run the main Mod-hosting page for Kerbal SPace Program named SpaceDock. I found that Simple Rockets....uhm Juno has no direct Hosting of crafts nad mods and i want to offer that to you all.

So if you want to upload your creaton you are welcome to do so on:


bye and check your staging :)



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    28 V1TAS

    If youre having problems with the Advanced Search help beeing in the way reload your browser cache by pressing


    2.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS mods aren't supported on mobile. They do support custom systems, custom UI packs... basically nonscripted stuff that doesn't require custom models

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @Pedro Ah, yes. Do mods work for the mobile version and if so how should i handle them? (Maybe prefix versions as Desktop or Mobile)

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS as I mentioned on discord "the 1.0 post was unlisted because having it public was sending a message to mobile players telling them there's a more recent version they could update to". 1.0 hasn't been released on mobile yet, we have added a way to separate what message is shown per platform now

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @Pedro Out of interest: What was it?

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS yes

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @Pedro Tank you. ive keapt the craft derived version in place as backup.
    Have you solved the case of the unposting of version posts?

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS we'll try to make it the same day, it's pulling from the release notes even if they are unlisted

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @Pedro oh it is. That was fast. I will use that imidiatly. How is the delay when a new version is released?

    The API is now in use.

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS that should be fixed now

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @AndrewGarrison Wow thank you! It does however show and is current?

    2.1 years ago
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    @V1TAS I added a new endpoint you can access to grab the latest version to make things a little easier for you:

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @ChaoticGraviton yes i added all fromt these Pages: https://www.simplerockets.com/Releases?p=1
    do the following for adding older versions:
    Start with the oldest working your way to the newest. Delete the existing 1.0.0 version in changelog and reupload it. (so its on top of the changelog list) you can also set any version as default there if you e.g. upload beta/alpha versions.

    2.1 years ago
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    @V1TAS Does it have previous versions as well?

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @ChaoticGraviton now that SpaceDock is recieving all new Game Versions you might want to check if the Version in there still works with the current game version and click the "Update automaticly" Button/ upload the current mod version.

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @FuryionAircraft Seems to be a bug or similar. New versions are announced with a one week delay on this site anyways. steamdb doesnt list correct versions only builds, newest craft upload seems not reliable too. Anyone got any idea how to get the current game version with a script as close to release as possible?

    2.1 years ago
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    @V1TAS that is strange, perhaps they are migrating to a different place to show update notes?

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    somehow Version 1.0 vanished from https://www.simplerockets.com/Releases?p=1 .
    It confused my version scraper a lot.

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS although there's a lot of value with spacedock hosting, ckan would be super redundant, since the game already handles mod installation itself. I guess the only thing that could be benefited from having ckan is mod auto-updates

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @FuryionAircraft none needed. it shows how much you care for this community and the natural weariness if someone comes along and offers something for free.
    Theres also a sister project to SpaceDock called ckan. Its a mod package manager thatgg auto downloads and installs mods from various sources. Maybe comeone who can contribute to them is willing to make a version for juno.

    2.1 years ago
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    @V1TAS okay, mostly my own confusion then, i apologise XD
    thankyou for offering a kind service, download servers are always appreciated ^-^

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    SpaceDock is a Modhosting Website. It offers everything a Mod developer needs to offer their work to the public.
    You are of cause able to upload your mod there and then use the mod page link on the jundroo page.
    The site is my and every contributers hobby so ive no need to agressivly position it.
    im no modder but i do it infrastructures vor a living. So see it as my way of giving someting back to all the people producing great code.
    Think of it like a mod: check it out and if you like it use it. :)

    The site already is a well known address for Kerbal Space Program mods. A bit of cross polination would be great and increase the visibility of this game and its community.

    I also mainly focus on mods not crafts. Iam however not opposed of using the site for it.

    2.1 years ago
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    i am flummoxed, the website you are using currently already hosts absolutely everything you could want, crafts, mods, systems, celestial bodies, sandboxes... am i missing something?

    is the issue about the download server? because crafts are directly hosted by Jundroo if i'm not mistaken, and the same was true for SP mods.

    ultimately it has to be posted here in order to have searchability, are you only hosting a download server or do you intend to be the front page for mods?

    2.1 years ago
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    28 V1TAS

    @Pedro Oh, thats even better!

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @V1TAS no, those are mods made by members of the community

    2.1 years ago
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