I've been trying to land on the damn thing for about 15 hours non stop with no luck, I cant figure out Vizzy to save my life, Targeting the fucking thing turn my rocket into a missile. I've tried putting a plane on the end of my rocket at all it does it fuck of the controls on the plane. I'm at a loss, I cant go any further in progression without a better launch pad all my stuff is maxed out for hte Ali pad. I'm getting very annoyed and frustrated at this point.
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To be honest, I've tried for a long time without success, and I've noticed that there are many success stories that use calculus.
0 dingo87
I ended up getting it later that evening afetr a redesign and playing with the controls I figured out how to steer it
100 Carol8
I just made a rocket with a tiny plane with parachutes as a top stage, reentered atmosphere early and just flew to the drone ship, triggering my parachutes when i was right above it. Got it in the second try.
486 RichGWall
Lob high so you come down as close to vertical as possible. Overshoot the drone ship by about 5-7 % to give you some retro fire space to slow down. Use a booster the leaves about 20 % fuel to a retro burn at about 70,000 km, which should slow you down to about 600 m/s. The top stage should be a wide base ship with landing legs spread wide with a cone fuel tank. I use 5 gnome engines, 1 larger one in the center with 4 half sized ones spread wide around the center. By tilting this ship one can steer towards the drone ship no RCS needed. The last step is to cheat and land at 1/8th speed. The rest will come with practice. Good luck.
Or try mine.. https://www.simplerockets.com/c/gYAhUT/Sea-Landing-on-Drone-Ship-Ship
387 CloakPin
You need to fine tune your rocket weight and thrusters alot until you get a good system going.
Even then with a good rocket, It can take me many tries and I'm good at it.
If you mess up your launch by a few degrees that can mean the difference of 20km or 100km in the end.Yet still, if we consider that most rockets have their own shapes and weights, they don't all launch the same way.
Keep testing and make notes of your successes.
I suggest making a second career game and take notes of their launching lessons during tutorials. -
0 dingo87
@ChaoticGraviton how do you guide yourself in with vizzy? didnt know about the quick saves
0 dingo87
@ChaoticGraviton I've tried for hours. closest I can get is 20km or so, I'm beyond frustrated and there no getting around the mission
26.3k ChaoticGraviton
You don't want to lock target on the droneship, but guide yourself to it, either manually or with vizzy. I also suggest making quick saves if you haven't been.
0 dingo87
No reason it should be this damn difficult, I've watched tutorials and tried copying other guided landing systems to no avail. I'm getting seriously burnt out
@dingo87, do you have planned burns unlocked? They allow you to get significantly closer to your target.