Hi, I just bought Juno: New Origins on the app store for my iPad and when I started to fly planes I realized pulling down on the pitch analog stick points the plane up, and vice versa for pushing stick up/plane nose down. I just prefer the controls the other way around (stick up, plane up, stick down, plane down) and I searched the settings to invert them, but the only thing I found about pitch for flight control settings are settings that are designed for pc's keyboard and mouse to edit them, pitch forward = w, pitch back = s. When I click on the boxes to replace them with the opposite command (which probably won't help to change the direction of what the stick does since it's a key input), it just gives me a 5 second timer and tells me to press a key which I can't being on mobile. In SimplePlanes there's a setting called "Pitch Control for On-Screen Flight Controls", which works perfectly, it switches the pitch for the analog stick. I just don't see a setting like that or something equivalent here. Hopefully I'm blind and there's a way to do it or some other way that gets the same effect if someone knows :). This game is really amazing and well done, started playing Jundroo's games over 11 years ago, thanks for the great stuff.


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    387 CloakPin

    You do it on the craft itself.
    If you want pitch inverted, just invert the wings control surfaces (or rocket engines gimbal)

    +2 2.0 years ago

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