If you look in the “all parts” section, there’s a package that you can put on your craft. It can be a crate, barrel, or shipping container. Does it serve a purpose or is it going to be a part of the career mode?

I think a good alternate use for it would be to store parts and let Droods build with them on EVA



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    as far as i got you start to deliver shipping containers to various places in career
    not sure about the other 2 tho

    2.0 years ago
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    good idea

    2.0 years ago
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    387 CloakPin

    Career mode isn't that advanced.
    Just think of it as a bunch of contracts to build something that will do the job.
    So far, the only difficulty is the time limits they introduce later on.
    Some reasonable, others not.

    2.0 years ago


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