Apparently my company in career mode is in debt now! I have no idea how that happened, I thought I was making much more money than I actually needed so I stopped looking at my money for a while. Then I built a bigger rocket and launched it a few times from the other launch pad... next thing I know I can’t progress anymore cause I’m broke 😐 Do I have to start all over again?
Question9 Comments
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11.0k Insanity
afaik you can still complete contracts while in dept, you just cant complete goals to get tech points
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
@AstroTommy @PZLAerospace
i assume that the code will subtract your budget by a negative number (which is basically adding) when you purchase a warp drive -
184 AstroTommy
@SamTheFox what are crafts with negative cost? How do you find them? Weird to think there would be rockets that pay you to launch them...
184 AstroTommy
@Polygons yes that’s what I’m thinking... will have to restart career mode from the beginning and be really careful with the cost of launching from now on. It sucks cause I had gotten pretty far already! Ah well
4,422 PZLAgencies
@SamTheFox ah, will that add money or decrease money?
Also there are parts that are unlocked. No way. -
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I have started career mode again and this time I’m really careful not to spend more than what each mission gives... actually it’s really good now cause I even try to optimize my crafts so that I can finish each mission for as cheaply as possible 😆
I have 47 millions now 🤑 My business is doing well!