Got a few contracts on with "Build a new craft" as one of the requirements. I built an entirely new craft and it still shows "Wrong Craft". It'd be pretty helpful if Androo's dev team could specify what defines a "new craft". Or is it a bug?
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4 xeus
@Toinkove thanks, it worked! For anyone else encountering the same problem, I went to the map and deleted the other crafts.
398 Toinkove
I can define it for you! "must accept the contract" before launching the craft used to complete the contract. i.e. can't be done with a craft already in flight! You also must make sure required components are on that craft (camera, cubesats, etc) but it will show you if those. conditions aren't met. Lastly, if you have multiple crafts in flight and/or contracts accepted it sometimes gets confused which craft to pair with what contracts. for this there is refresh icon "target this craft" that sometimes shows up to the left of the contract description. Hit that icon and it should assign the contract to that craft and the "wrong craft" will go away!
ohhhh! you shouldn't have to do that! (delete other craft) should work without doing that! But if you just had spent stages you wanted to get rid of well. You can also delete (or recover) them in the "resume flight" window.