They always do not inflate in the atmosphere, no matter what. I have the inflation altitude at 15 km ASL and it will not inflate. This appears to be a bug.


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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @CanadaDucK ok.

    2.0 years ago
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    19.7k CanadaDucK

    For Cylero I do the same, Max inflation at High Altitude to catch all the Atmosphere they can. Note: this only works for Low Atmospheric Body's. I have Several MARS Builds with Parachute Set-ups. They can still take some Tweaking. For DROO my Parachutes open just before you Die! works well though.

    2.0 years ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @CloakPin I do it the same way as you do and it does not work. I have high physics and ultra update frequency.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    387 CloakPin

    I made mine as big as possible and made the deflation diameter be the same size as the inflation diameter.
    Also let it open a max speed and not auto cut.
    Default settings are for Droo I believe so just thin the atmosphere about 1/3 less and to release higher in the atmosphere for cylero chutes.

    +1 2.0 years ago


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