I use an application called SimpleEdit on my ipad to edit XML parameters that can't be edited ingame, or to push them outside of the normal values enterable ingame in some cases. I have a dedicated folder to JNO/SR2 XML stuff for easy access.
However, ever since i began editing, it has had a strange bug: sometimes the entire contents of the game (and thus what's within this folder) just gets emptied for no reason, and sometimes comes back, on no predictable interval. I checked, it isn't related to the game running/being opened; sometimes the files are hidden when the game is open and sometimes the files are visible while the game isn't running. Anyone know a fix for this?
Here's how it looks normally:
And here's the hidden folders: (ignore the Merak ring texture, that was left there when i was trying to make custom ring textures)
@SamTheFox i tried koder but it's way too difficult/cluttered for me, plus everything is an icon rather than text which i hate, even worse is that the bug i mentioned exists there too
(it could be handy in the future tho so i'm keeping it)