Is it possible to make a remote controlled craft ?
And how?
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18.2k plane918273645
Yes it’s possible, using the forward up and right sliders I’ve bound IJKL to that and controlled 2 cars at once, I’d link the craft but it appears I never uploaded unlisted @ChaoticGraviton @SamTheFox
26.3k ChaoticGraviton
This is deffinitely possible, and I'm kinda interested in trying to do it
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
i assume so
create a vizzy program that broadcasts messages to a receiver (the RC craft)
when the RC craft receives a message that tells it to, say, throttle up, it will do so
same for all other controls of the RC craft
also, the camera won't focus on the RC craft, and i don't think putting cameras on the RC craft will work either
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@Piron alright...wassup