It’s possible to set the input of a wheel, engine, etc to a variable with funky trees. And you can refer to a variable in the funk block.
I need to generate a lot of “controller inputs” for my vizzy program. Is there a way to refer to a specific component in a list as a funky tree input? Or do I need to manually implement the variables.

I figured that I could get away with just the list name and a block. “VZ.MyList[1]” this doesn’t seem to freeze the program. But it’s doesn’t work either.



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    I am aware of variables being viable for inputs. What I need is to use a list to control the craft.
    To say: I have one list called “Engines” and at index 1 I have what % I want engine A to operate at, and at index 2 I have the % for engine B. If there is a way to refer to this in the “funky input”. That would be helpful.
    “PartName.VZ.ListName[#]” for example?

    1.9 years ago
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    2,966 Astrolidon

    I don't know about funk , but you can use variable to parts control input, on control input write part name.Flightpogram.variable name

    1.9 years ago


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