30+ min of crawling to the station with payload, just to find out that it's built on a platform I cannot climb 😂
I don't think I'm doing it again



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    387 CloakPin

    Ya man. My first vehicle was the 8 wheeled rover I have. The one with auto target.
    It can be left alone on time warp x10 and it will reach the platform by itself.
    Just set its target. Set throttle to 95%.
    Set break to 8%.
    It will not crash very often at all.

    It works well just be there for when it’s time to climb the platform.
    Do it slow or the payload explodes

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel

    just thinking aloud, another option - an airplane with a cargo bay in the nose with high enough main landing gear - land, overhang the nose over the platform, open the bay. maybe will test next time

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel

    @CloakPin man, it's using vizzy and half of the tech tree, where many nodes I didn't even open yet 😆. remember it was about 10th contract in the branch, within ~250 TP total and 50K budget.
    anyway, managed to finish it on updated jet glider, but this time - using a detachable pod with parachute. total budget around 20K, but technology-wise, I think it's more demanding than it should be (parachute + small bay + side interstage), also looks bulky and inefficient - 80kg pod for 20kg box.
    wondering what was the mission designer's original plan, because I think there should be a better solution

    1.9 years ago
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    387 CloakPin

    @mundindel my cargo drone. It’s on my profile uploads.

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel

    @CloakPin alright, just got this mission again. what did you use for air drop ?
    I tried a jet powered glider, ~, the box predictably explodes upon impact against the building (dropping into grass works OK though). but at least soaring in mountains turned out to be a highly satisfying process, so not a total waste

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel

    air drop is definitely an option, although wondering what was the design idea for this scenario - is it supposed to be hacked like that, or should take an hour+ in repeated crawling attempts with nearly zero new knowledge / experience ? 🤨
    so I just cancelled it, as payment doesn't matter, and it didn't look like a story line mission

    1.9 years ago
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    387 CloakPin

    Try an air drop.

    My first time I drove there and my rover exploded with the payload as I hit the platform.
    I thought it was a ramp not a wall.

    1.9 years ago

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