I’m working on a Concorde-like supersonic jet to complete the Sample Gathering missions in career mode. Some of the places are far away and I like flying the planes to get there. But that takes a looong time when the sample locations are like 1000+ km away. The real Concorde itself has no tail stabilisers (except for the vertical fin) but mine has a small pitch-trim horizontal stabiliser controlled by the Slider 4 input. I’m trying to write a program to control the slider 4 input autonomously as a function of Mach number and altitude. Do the programs not work in career mode or do I just not know what I’m doing? Feel free to have a play - hopefully I have the program loaded into the craft - either in the command pod or on one of the horizontal stabilisers (I only put it on the right hand one to test it). I can’t use the tinker panel as I’m running the aircraft in career mode.
Edit: upon further testing and other users’ input, my program is working but my formula in the Vissy and the stabilisers’ control surfaces will need tweaking. I have also decided to change the altitude variable to air density as that directly affects control surface effectiveness and lift. I will just have to rework my formula to get my pitch trim to behave itself as it seems very aggressive at low altitude and not aggressive enough at high altitude. Probably because air density falloff is non linear with increasing altitude.
Link to the craft download below:
@MarvinAeroDynamics unfortunately builds on Career Mode can’t use the tinker panel. But a lot of my Sandbox crafts do. Mainly drag and mass adjustments to parts. In a Sandbox game, I’m building a SSTO spaceplane and the amount of tinkering I’ve had to do to that for it to work properly is insane. I would like to build a vanilla one but I reckon it’s going to have to be twice the size due to having to carry an insane amount of fuel. It starts off with jet engines to get it high into the atmosphere then the rocket engines get it into orbit.