I have three questions on posting crafts, here they are.
1. How do I add custom screenshots from ingame, like not in the designer.
2. How do I make my crafts look better? I have the base Idea but the all look... bland, any ideas?
3. (Goes with 2) Are there any part kits that I could use?



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    @mundindel Thank you for that, that helps tons! To define “bland” I mean something that is under detailed, like, tiny details that really make something front-page amazing, if that makes any sense?

    1.9 years ago
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    @CanadaDucK Thats what I figured, since I play mostly on mobile, I was wondering if there was any substitute for mods I should have used. Thanks!

    1.9 years ago
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    @SamTheFox I was just posting a bug (that i probably brought into existence) report, and i tried that for the screenshot, it unfortunately did not work, thank you though! Gonna check out that profile now, thanks!

    1.9 years ago
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    19.7k CanadaDucK

    Getting a “Realistic Look” is really tough! You got to play around with texturing & colouring, etc, trial & error my friend.

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel
    1. Open in-game menu, there's a screenshot option, snap it. When posting your craft, there are 2 options for the images - take screenshot (camera), and use existing one (folder). You need the latter one.
    2. You need to define which features you're looking for, as everyone has his own definition of "bland"
    1.9 years ago
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    1. this is probably incorrect since it’s been awhile, put the screenshot in simplerockets2 > userdata > images > screenshots
    2. i know a friend who makes some cool crafts, maybe you could try to replicate some of it?
    1.9 years ago

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