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    486 RichGWall

    @CloakPin Thanks. The work described below inspired these two ships.



    I re-did the capsule from scratch and then added the boosters needed for orbit on the first one and to the moon and back on the second one.

    Try out the Capsule's RCS to control the pitch at re-entry and keep an eye on the vertical speed indicator. Sometimes sub-orbital re-entry can be the worst because of the steep angle downwards inherent.

    Both ships were developed for RSS 1.5.3.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    387 CloakPin

    Good work introducing techniques to slow down first.
    I thought they were not deploying at all.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    486 RichGWall

    After the 1.09 update all my capsules parachutes ceased to deploy fully because I was in the habit of attaching the Parachute, using the base style "top", inside the capsule, hidden as so I could have the docking ring on top. Now, it as if the docking port is blocking the chutes.

    So, after some research, some trial and error, I found that using the base style "Side Chute" fixes this.
    Also, I found that tilting the capsule up during re-entry about 20-25 degrees will rapidly decrease your vertical speed downward, which is important because if you dive down deep too fast you will just burn up.
    A shallow re-entry, under 200m/s vertically, insures no burn up and that you will be slow enough to not have your chutes line break once you reach chute deployment altitude.
    Installing some RCS on the capsule will help with this.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    387 CloakPin

    Deploy height?

    +1 1.7 years ago

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