I'm building an observatory, but I'm struggeling at controlling the camera position using Vizzy. Does anyone know how to track targets with a camera (grounded) only using vizzy?

Edit: I found a way to track planets, but there are some problems with the precision. It could take a few more weeks to add a better vizzy to Slider 2 (north/south). If you have any ideas let me know them in the comments. I also need an observatory, I'm really not good at building. If you find some good observatorys please send me the link in the comments.

For anyone iterating: Now the camera gets controlled with two Sliders (Slider 1 for east/west and Slider 2 for north/south). I use the PCI coordinates as input for Slider 1 (working well) and 50% for Slider 2 (Otherwise Slider 1 would control north/south). The problem is that the orbits are not totally flat (there is a northern point and a southern point). That leads to some small problems, but when zooming very much you can't see the planets anymore.



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    @TomKerbal Doesn't really work, but thank you for sharing me your idea.

    1.7 years ago
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    @TomKerbal Thank you, I'll try

    1.7 years ago
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    2,237 TomKerbal

    Don't know. Perhaps generating the vector : Targetpos - Camerapos as value for the camera direction angle (if there is one) ? Would be great for making videos...

    1.7 years ago


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