Hello, I have been trying to reach other planets such as Cylero and Brigo, I did reach Brigo but couldn't reach Cylero. I used many rockets but didn't make it as they didn't reach their destination or failed, can somebody help me understand the game better and help me reach my goal? Thanks!
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3,692 HorizonsTechnologies
Are you familiar with burn nodes? Have you been targeting the planet too?
27.1k Zenithspeed
@NikolaiUlshikov2006 ah, so it's the landing that's the problem? my only suggestion is to simply increase the power of the engine(s) used for landing (either by increasing size or other parameters or via XML) so that you can reduce your descent speed at a higher rate for a softer landing
@Zenithspeed Thanks, but it gets so frustrating to see my destinations fail, I even crash landed a couple of times onto other planets and I can't find the solution on how to land properly.
27.1k Zenithspeed
i would suggest taking a look at the game's tutorials, especially the ones relating to orbiting, since things like Hohmann transfers are commonly used for getting from one celestial body to another, although i don't know if any of the ingame tutorials cover that
another thing you could do is find an automated craft that does the journey for you, observe what it does from start to finish then you could try to replicate it manually (i only suggest this if you have good memory though)
i'm not the best at advice like this but i'm sure other people will comment more useful tips eventually
I suggest googling the physics of space travel and how to make orbital transfers.
No Juno tutorials just look up real space travel.
We can explain here but theres nothing like images and videos to aid your education.