orp or (orbital return probe) is just an hour away from liftoff, the tanks are bieng loaded with Liquid Methane and LOX to prepare for the first few minutes of flight, this launch will not be streamed, although i will upload the launcher and probe later today, the probe will launch on our STELLARIS IX Alpha ER, ER meaning extended range, basically it has a new second stage that allows for further trips into the cosmos, the second stage is currently powered by 2 Aora Vacuum engines, the Aora is a new type of rocket engine that is built to be highly Efficient in both Sea level and Vacuum, whilst the first stage is powered by Vixen sea level version 2. the fairing halves for the trip to orbit will be white, as this mission is commercial and not military or private,

grey fairings on our rockets indicate that the mission is military,

white fairings on our rockets indicate that the mission is commercial

black tipped fairings on our rockets indicate that the mission is either military or private

Launch of ORP is scheduled for no earlier than 20:00 05/07/2023

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