a newly planned mission seeks to collect valuable samples of Mars Dust and rock in a carefully planned out mission


Phase 1:

a small rover capable of sample Collection will pick up small tube's on the surface left by our research rover and bring them to a waiting lander with an ascent vehicle,

phase 2:

the samples will be loaded onto the ascent vehicle by the sample collection rover, the ascent vehicle will then launch vertically off the lander platform and once in orbit it will perform a trans-earth injection manuever to then deploy a small capsule containing the samples to prepare for re-entry into earth's atmosphere where the samples will be recovered

More Detailed Overview:

Project Horizon aims to execute a meticulously planned mission to collect valuable samples of Mars dust and rocks from the Martian surface. The primary objective is to safely return these samples to Earth for detailed scientific analysis

Phase 1: Sample Collection and Transfer

Deploy a small robotic rover with specialized sample collection capabilities to the Martian surface.
Utilize the rover to locate and collect small tubes containing valuable Mars dust and rock samples left by previous research rovers.
Safely transport the collected samples to a designated landing site where a waiting lander with an ascent vehicle is stationed.
Phase 2: Sample Loading and Ascent

Transfer the collected samples from the sample collection rover to the ascent vehicle, ensuring their secure containment and protection against contamination.
Design the ascent vehicle to launch vertically from the lander platform, utilizing a powerful propulsion system for a successful ascent.
Once in orbit around Mars, perform a trans-Earth injection maneuver to set the trajectory for the return journey to Earth.
Package the samples within a small, specially designed capsule in preparation for re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.
Phase 3: Earth Return and Sample Recovery

Initiate the re-entry of the capsule containing the Mars samples into Earth's atmosphere.
Equip the capsule with a robust heat shield to withstand the intense heat generated during atmospheric re-entry.
Employ parachutes and other landing systems to facilitate a controlled descent and landing in a predetermined recovery area.
Mobilize recovery teams to swiftly retrieve the capsule and recover the Mars samples, ensuring their preservation and preventing any potential contamination.

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