So I was playing SimplePlanes to get some references for my another project, I noticed how the these parts were incredibly smooth. So I hovered around them and I see fuel tanks doing this smoothness. I am wondering if this is possible in JNO
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2,186 SmarsoAero
@RudimentaryCheezit I tried this on mobile but couldn’t get that effect, thx for the suggestion
2,186 SmarsoAero
@Zenithspeed Lider would be a perfect example, gotta check when I’ll come home, currently I am away from my home. So I can’t access to my pc
27.1k Zenithspeed
in SP that's made with hollow fuselage + fuselage cutting
in SR2/JNO there is no proper fuselage cutting, though that clamp distance thing in the hidden properties menu has a similar function (you'll need to trial and error it unless you have some mod) -
9,475 RudimentaryCheezit
it is possible
in juno, access to the part scaling tool, and increase pinch (not pitch)
it should create a similar affect as shown in the screenshots
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another property you may want to consider the the corner radius
if you’re unfamiliar, it’s in the same menu as the pinch slider
when you find the setting, turn them up to a higher value, it should make the fuel tank look like a cross-section of a wing