Hello good people. Please Help with these two issues.

1) How to make Custom Careers.

2) Teleportation that gives options to get to specific coordinates if possible. Like more options than just being able to Teleport only up or down. How to do that?

Thanks so much in advance Dear Community.



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    @Luckwut Thanks so much. Pedro helped out earlier with the info. I really hope they find a way of putting this info somehow in-game so that people don't have to struggle to look up the info elsewhere. I earlier thought that perhaps you could Teleport via translation keeping your AGL/ASL and when targeting a craft though you could choose how far from it you'll be, not how high above it, because if you teleport to above a craft, gravity prevails, the teleported craft falls on the target craft, then damages it. I guess it was mostly meant for in orbit teleportation rather than on the ground/sea teleportation.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut
    1. You can look JCS Discord server and go to #drooman-resources for anything related to custom career
    2. First target your desired planet, when you click on Teleport button it will show Latitude, Longitude, and Teleport height.
    1.7 years ago
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    yes please!

    +1 1.7 years ago

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