Unified Time: 1UTY=100UTD 1UTD=10UTH 1UTH=100UTS
0(Y).0(D).0(H).0(S)=May 16th 2085AD, 00:00 at midnight.

-36.55: Droonian Republic Tested FTL ship DRF0001 Juno-A

-31.71: Coralpolis-Arestian Federation Tested FTL ship CAFF0001 Roterpfiel-A

-27.22: Terra Corporation Tested FTL Ship TCF0001 Outer-A

-2.69: Three Nations had their first contact in Neo-Atlas.

0.00: The treaty of Decanro has been signed.

24.98—31.05: The First Galatic War

Reason: Fight for Central Areas of The Milky Way.

The Treaty Of Decanro: Droonian Republic, C.A.F., Terra Corporation, The United Repiblics Of Inol.

The Pulsar Allied: Kerbals Republic, Constitutional Empire of Alamentu, Revanies.

Result: The Treaty Of Decanro lost the war. This directly led to the military dictatorship of C.A.F..

Casualty: 1.7B individuals.

37.33—41.56: The Droonian Civil War (The Second Galactic War)

Reason: Sudden Economic Crisis in Droonian Republic

The Social Democrats (Supported by C.A.F.)

The Conservatives (Supported by Revanies)

Result: The SD won the civil war.

Casualty: 0.3B individuals

40.71: A coup in C.A.F. overthrown the military government. The Federal Security Agency and the Orthodox Socialists rebuilt the Democratic government.

43.23: The Treaty Of Decanro Broke.

43.30: The Coralpolis Treaty Organization was found. Members: C.A.F., Droonian Republic, Kerbals Republic, The United Repiblics Of Inol.

47.87: The Organization of Trade Union was found. Members: Terra Corporation, Constitutional Empire of Alamentu, Revanies.

62.42—77.15: The Third Galatic War

Reason: Terra Corporation started the war for several merchant rich systems.

The Coralpolis Treaty Organization

The Organization of Trade Union

Result: Draw, and both sides didn’t achieve their goals.

Casualty: 29.6B individuals.

Today: 80.01

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    1,458 Drood1538408

    In -38.12 The United Repiblics Of Inol Tested FTL Ship URIF0001 Habitu A, But Was Targeted To A Nearby System Named Sergal's Star, A Red Dwarf.

    In -1.78 The United Repiblics Of Inol Gets First Contact Of The Three Nations On Neo Atlas System.

    -1.71: Onorsa Was Colonized Succesfully By The United Repiblics Of Inol.

    The Future

    82.98 Fourth Galatic War.

    Probaly Reason: Due to The Frovian workers are paid with very low prices.


    The Coralpolis Treaty Union.

    The Organization of Trade Union.

    Result: The Coralpolis Treaty Union Take Over Of The Terra Corporation Land.

    Casualty: 34.9B individuals.

    More Comming Soon.

    +1 1.6 years ago

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