Ask me questions and I’ll probably forget about them and never answer



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    oh ok (imma just see it)

    +1 16 days ago
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    The gas giant template you removed for some reason

    +1 16 days ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @MatTheAerospacer wdym

    16 days ago
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    what happened to your gas giant template

    +1 16 days ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @Vee That’s kinda the problem, I don’t really have a process at the moment, sometimes I’ll get bursts of inspiration that lead me to make things like atnas or kathezipith but whenever I try to make some planet away from those instances I’ve just ended up scrapping them.
    So I can’t really help with the thought process of a planet or system right now I’m afraid.

    3 months ago
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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    @SeeyaTheFurry same here
    recently i've become obsessed with this game called Einhänder and can't stop talking about it, combine that with my ongoing Terraria addiction, and, well...

    +1 8 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @Hyperant I still check this site regularly but (at least for now) I don't really have the motivation to make much, I'm more just playing the games I want to play instead of forcing myself to do JNO stuff even when I don't know what I want to make.

    +1 8 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Hey, uh, this may seem weird but I just want to know if you are still with JNO. I mean, you have been inactive for quite some time, and I just want to know if you are still there. Not trying to be creepy or weird, I just want to see if you're still here.

    +1 8 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Which ever you pick @SeeyaTheFurry :)

    +1 9 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @Hyperant For the better or for the worse.

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Well, that game certainly has changed you @SeeyaTheFurry

    +1 9 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @Hyperant Yeah, have been for a while now, I think that game was the final nail in the coffin.

    +1 9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    So you're a furry now? I have no problem with it, I am just wondering.

    +1 9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    @Seeya nice

    +1 9 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @AK5Z It’s just some random art I made, may end up putting it in NH though

    +1 9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    @Seeya is it from NH?

    +1 9 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @AK5Z Thanks mate!

    +1 9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant


    +1 9 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @AK5Z I deleted the current projects post because I find it very hard to continue making something when I make its development known to the community, it kinda makes me feel like I’m being watched. I still have Tlip, Darus, and Marco saved unlisted on my account, but not Orman and Columbus so if you could send me those unlisted that would be nice.

    +1 10 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Ok @Seeya , why did you delete your projects forum and the other planets, Orman and Columbus? I have Tlip, Darus, Marco, Orman, and Columbus, in case if you need them back if you don’t have the files. Just, why did you delete those posts?

    +1 10 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    @Seeya nice, i am now much more active in lore writing, so new stuff are coming like, every two days

    +1 10 months ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @AK5Z yeah

    +1 10 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    @Zenithspeed @Seeya can i try too

    +1 10 months ago
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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    @Seeya aight, cheers

    +2 10 months ago
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