After many many hours of building and testing, the project is halfway to completion, so we are proud to announce a few features of this new
project, as most of you already know, this project includes our most detailed rocket. (NO joke there)

a brand new launch pad will come into use, We are glad to present to you....... STELLARIS VII. STELLARIS VII
Has 2 Xaviar engines powered by LOX/CH4 that are fitted onto the rocket's tanks,

these tanks are layered in different materials and a shroud is fitted over the 2 engines. A large interstage is also fitted to the top to house the thrust tanks of our upperstage,

the upperstage named Axim is equipped with 1 Xaviar VAC engine powered by our FIRST EVER Hydrolox tank. The Xaviar type of engine is a new engine tested by OrbiSpace to maximize efficiency and performance in our engines,

we also have a release date

August 12

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