Does anyone have experience with calculating the distance traveled (odometer) and if it can be done in the vision, I would need help


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    120 Heady978

    Maybe very late, but i found a solution for this.

    In Vizzy operators at the bottom just before true and false there is an operator
    <vector1> <function> <vector2>
    One of the possible functions is <dist> which calculates the distance between two vectors in meters. Everything you now have to do is to create a while loop, in which you get the distance from you actual vector aka position to the last known position and add this to a variable which stands for your traveled distance.
    As program:
    $oldPosition=$Position #get starting position

    I was seaching for a solution for my MFDs and all i found was your question, so I did this now in my new craft and it works pretty well so far. After 5000km it shows the same distance as the Exit Screen does.
    I'm still optimising my craft a little, but i will upload it within the next days. Keep an eye on "X-6C Titanium Dart", if you are still interested.

    6 months ago

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