The four Dinghys in the two ship bays : Lichtbringer (mission ship, blue), FourFoot (hospital ship, red), FriedensbringerII (gold) and Aldebaran (turquoise)

Since I am a fan of this series, I wanted to have such a ship in Juno, the ARTEMIS had inspired me especially.
These ships have such a large spec. impulse (~10^6s) by the "Epstein" - drive, that they can accelerate permanently with 1g, and thus an artificial gravity is produced on the ships.

By means of tinkering this is easy to produce (I simply made the fuel in the main tank lighter by a factor of 10^5 and increased the capacity accordingly).



My first tests of the "ÜBERLICHT" - prototype on earth were great, the astronaut had some trouble to get up the bridges, but in the serpentine walk it went great, and now and then some bouncing.
("Überlicht" is German and means "beyond light").

Astronaut on bridge connection

Afterwards it went into space. First the ship systems were booted:


Afterwards it looks on the bridge e.g. like this

Picture of dark bridge

In space, however, the ship's propulsion is probably switched off as soon as I take control of an astronaut. He then floats weightless again.
If I then take control of the ship again and switch on the propulsion, he bangs nicely on the parquet.

Bridge during acceleration

So now I can't walk around in the ship like on earth during the acceleration, that was actually one of my main goals. That's not so great now. I also have the problem with the space habitats, here the exit positions don't work, and the internal transfer between habitats doesn't work either.
Other than that, it's a lot of fun and I hope to solve these two problems as well.

Capt'n Achilles takes it easy:

Image of Capt'n

Communication Systems

New Comm Array, manufactured by AstroAerospace

New Radar System, manufactured by AstroAerospace

The Anti-Matter Drive

Excerpts from "Time Table of Human History", keyword "UMS ÜBERLICHT", in the Central Library of MAGELLAN CITY , formerly Kourou, World Capital :

"Thus, a containment process for antimatter was successfully developed, which had to be operated at 10^-12 Kelvin almost at temperature zero.
The matter held in the Bose-Einstein condensate was thereby ionized and confined with an extremely strong electromagnetic field.
This field, unlike earlier confinement fields, was no longer static, but rotated extremely rapidly at the resonant frequency of the ultracold condensate.

The magnetic part of the field was formed from a magnetic hexapole generated with superconducting coils and extended into all three spatial dimensions, which was operated with a peak magnetic field strength of 100 Tesla.
In the electric part of the field, 100 Tera Volt occurred at the peak, which could only be controlled by newly developed active high-power isolators.

In this way, the particle physicists achieved almost perfect anti-particle confinement. The resulting heat of the escaping antimaterial residue could be dissipated via a high-density paraffin sheath, which in particular also kept the dangerous neutrons away from the outside world.

Anti-Methane, which was then to serve as the basis for the new rocket fuel, proved to be particularly easy to contain.
Anti-Methane was thus stored in highly insulated containers and, for use in the rocket engine, was first fed into a particle accelerator, which accelerated the antimatter to almost the speed of light, so that there was no time for uncontrolled reaction with the matter of the reactor.

In the reactor chamber, liquid oxygen was added, which was used not only for matter-antimatter reaction with the anti-methane, but mainly for cooling the reactor walls.

In the manner just described, this process has been used to increase the effective energy density of anti-methane oxide rocket propellants by a factor of 10^5 compared to conventional MethaLox propellants. In the case of the newly developed, high-temperature-resistant anti-methaLox propellants, this ultimately led to an inconceivable specific impulse of up to 10 million seconds (10^7s)."

AM-Drive : Fuel Injection

AM-Drive : Particle Accerlerator

AM-Drive : Reactor

UBERLICHT Over-and-Out.



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  • Profile image
    2,237 TomKerbal

    @JanusIndustries @Zenithspeed @CanadaDucK @Luckwut
    New RADAR system (with permanent rotating satellite dishes) by @AstroAerospace

    1.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,237 TomKerbal

    New Array Comm by @AstroAirospace

    1.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,237 TomKerbal

    @CanadaDuck The Aldebaran is now part of the UMS ÜBERLICHT :-)

    +1 1.5 years ago


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