Future Mission List of I.A
"This is to inform you that we are just at verge of the official release of our new launch vehicle.We have made efforts to get it more detailed and also we launched our first logo".
2.We are looking ahead for our first official Earth observation sattelite which would might get launch this year and will establish connections of us with future deep space probes
3.Lunar mission:We are also looking ahead for Lunar missions,Till now we have decided that the mission would consist of A orbiter and A lander which would land on South pole(not confirmed)
4. Launch of the most powerful rocket of Ind aerospace which could put bodies to beyond mars
5.Mars missions:This future missions would consist of lander and a rover with orbiter
6.Manned missions and space station
7. Manned lunar mission and mars mission
This mission are are to be accomplished by us and After this we will start development of other projects
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