when working with the blank template and trying to make highlands and lowlands, if the terrain is lower or higher than the main biome (aka the first one to be added to the planet to my knowledge) the terrain will appear spiky and ragged, does anybody know of any fixes?
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3,675 That1SpaceDude
@TheMakerOfThings https://www.simplerockets.com/CelestialBodies/View/0QC214/Sedna-Template
3,443 Kaeya
Could you upload one of these planets so I can see what's happening and try to fix it
5,273 LeMagicBaguette
There’s probably a blending issue. A sharp contrast between biomes will lead to some really screwy terrain.
3,675 That1SpaceDude
i just tried this with another blank planet and it seems to only be the case if you screw up a lot
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okay so turns out my octaves and lacunarity were wayyy too high, thanks to TheMakerOfThings for helping :D