For a while now, I've dedicated a significant amount of my time to my most ambitious project created in Juno: New Origins. The long and arduous path I've walked to reach the current stage was filled with challenges and obstacles. Its immense size and the fact that it's a fictional capital ship have given rise to many issues. Initially, the tools didn't allow me to shape the parts as I intended, so I had to resort to clamping, albeit at the cost of affecting shadows on certain sections. Subsequently, I encountered stabilization problems. A craft of that magnitude requires massive Ion engines to function, which generate a thrust so immense that controlling it posed a significant challenge. It took me a considerable amount of time to balance the Center of Thrust and Center of Mass to achieve an acceptable outcome.
The current issue revolves around the part count. The Venator is colossal, and, naturally, fictional ships entail numerous intricate details that I didn't want to omit. Additionally, I aspired to create an interior for it, although, given the lack of precise proportions, it isn't an entirely accurate representation of the Venator. This consideration arises from the differing portrayals of the Venator in the Star Wars series (Animated vs. Live action, for example). Nonetheless, it appears stunning, and I have no regrets about my decision. The challenge lies in the relatively high part count. While there are certainly crafts on the website that surpass mine in this regard, it's not the type of craft one can casually fly. I'm uncertain about how it will perform when fully assembled (since I worked on the interior separately), but my computer is already struggling with 6k parts (the final version is estimated to have 14k parts). I hope to find a solution to this problem soon, as recording videos of the craft may become impossible at some point due to the lack of VRAM or RAM in general.
That said, I'd like to share a few pictures with all of you. This represents the current status of the build. :))