i decided to emulate parallax by using craters and changing them to be boulders, then just copy-paste a few times and bam
however, these rocks are much bigger than what you'd expect, the smallest ones are 10-15 meters i think, the small ones 30, medium 60, and the biggest ones 120
technically you could also make trees using the structure editor, however it'd take a very very very long time to cover a planet with them
but yeah, you get this, i guess. this asteroid moon in particular is going to be added to Worand 1.1 and will also have a similar looking submoon
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2,237 Luckwut
That's lot of boulder, but If you have powerful device and want to create vanilla Parallax, you can set the MaxSubdivision and Terrain Noise Octaves to the max, reload, then you got yourself a small 'rock' appearing and it's smaller than the drood itself. I believe Hyperpatch did that back then on discord.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@AK5Z by "dwarf planet update" do you mean something for VBSS or something else? Worand 1.1 will have a dwarf planet added (and a pretty epic one at that) alongside the above mentioned asteroid moon & submoon, plus maybe one or two extras and updates to the current moons, but apart from that, idk
3,904 Junkthunder
Also if you did decide to add trees all around Droo it might start to lagg a bit.
16.0k Tallisar
I am so hyped up for this! Keep you the great work! Also when is the dwarf planet update?
@Luckwut yeah that's a possibility too, but my 6 year old ipad is already chugging along so yeah lol