Earlier today, our Upperstage test vehicle Completed a short flight to the upper atmosphere, once it reached 25Km the main engine shut down and the 4 thrusters were powered up, Approximetaley 180 meters Above The Baikonor Test facility, the 4 engines ignited and the upperstage slowed down and the landing legs deployed, the RCS thrusters also helped to keep the upperstage on track, in the space of about 15 minutes the upperstage went from lifting off at the main pad at the test site, to Landing at 1 of 2 small pads at the site, the upperstage landed with pinpoint precision, after a bit of maneuvering and hovering it finally touched the ground and was detanked, the upperstage is now verified and is waiting for the First stage to be Verified
Our Reusable rocket's UpperStage Has Completed most Complex Verification Test
1.3 years ago
@AlphaAreospace no lol