In the Propeller update I’ve joined the testing in IOS edition in testflight and it had changed my game from normal app to test app, recently there is a new up date on the game but i’m facing a problem because i can’t get my game updated. In my apple store it says my app is unavailable because it is out of support. Do anyone know how can i update the game?
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5,288 LeMagicBaguette
@XAS nope. Just download the standard app and it will replace the beta. All data will transfer quite nicely.
1,010 XAS
@LeMagicBaguette do you need to delete the test flight version? im afraid that if i delete it i will loss my savings
5,288 LeMagicBaguette
@XAS I tried again yesterday (basically a re-download of the standard app from the Store), and it worked fine.
1,010 XAS
@LeMagicBaguette How did you update it is it just from the App Store? Or you need to redownload it?
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@LeMagicBaguette Ok thanks i will try it again