Universe 2 (also named object cosmos universe) Is a mysterious universe that U.R.I has discovered using data from the Dopriman gem and confirmed the existense of other universes.

U.R.I has planned using exotic matter to go to Universe 2 using a black hole as wormhole and discover whats is on Universe 2 and gather data from this universe.

"There as other universes with different laws" a astronaut said.

If there's something strange, we will go and gather data.

A warp ship capable to travel to black holes and to survive is on progress. And will be named as U.R.I - IU01 (sergal A)

Can any nation collaborate this project pls.

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    696 heitorM

    My nation os United Garuzlian Socialist Republic (UGSR). It represents my systems principal planet, Garuzlya.

    1.3 years ago
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    16.0k Tallisar


    1.4 years ago

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