It would be nice to have more Sliders/AG's so we can make more complicated vizzy that use more sliders, moving parts AG's, Etc
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5,258 LeMagicBaguette
I know. This is why I started using variable inputs and broadcast programmes. It’s a good stopgap.
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Combine vizzy with switches and you can rewrite a new set of AGs every time a new switch gets turned on.
In vizzy you will need to say that if switch one and AG # is active then do something.
So you will have 10 AG choices for every new switch you turn on.
Sliders could do the same thing with switches.
Hint, set a camera facing the switch board so you can flip switches more easily.
Note, you may have to disable some parts from being used with AGs so they wont come on when you dont want them to.
You want just vizzy making the actions happen.