Endeavor Module (Node 1) was launched on a Stellaris Rocket to Orbit, its now awaiting the Arrival of Certamen (Node 2), at the arrival of Certamen a Small module that includes a window similar to the ISS's Cupola, this will be the WRESVA Module, the WRESVA module will include a docking adapter so more modules can be docked to WRESVA, on the top of the Endeavor Module a massive solar array will be temporarily fixed, it will supply the station with all the power it needs so that it can be functional for its crew, at the arrival and deployment of the solar arrays the station will have enough functionality to allow crew on board, the crew will spend around 6 months onboard Unity (the station) while the station is in its early stages of construction, at the arrival of the Xavier module the crew will be permitted to spend up to a year onboard before being returned to earth,

once the station is fully completed it will spend around 30 years in orbit before being re-entered into the atmosphere

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