I started playing Juno New Origins on my Android phone, and was overjoyed to discover I could also buy it for PC. I'd like to set it up to sync my career progress, crafts, programs, etc. between the two devices.

First, is there some kind of cloud sync feature already baked into the game, and would it do what I want? e.g. Does it work between different platforms, will it sync career progress, etc? Can someone describe how it works? Does it require Steam or have any dependencies on Steam libraries? Where is the data stored in the cloud and what are the privacy implications?

Second, if possible I'd prefer not to use any sort of "cloud" features for this. e.g. I'm thinking to set up Syncthing or a similar tool to sync the needed files. I gather the relevant paths are:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2


Could you help me identify which folders I should sync? So far I've found:

  • the GUID folders under GameStates
  • CraftDesigns
  • FlightPrograms
  • Subassemblies
  • PhotoLibrary

Anything else I've missed, or is there anything I should exclude from above?
Are there generated solar system / planet files I need to include?
Any other "gotchas" to be aware of?

I would only play on one device at a time, and leave time between for sync to complete before switching.

As a proof of concept I manually copied the folders identified above from Android to my PC, and it seemed to work well. I also played around with Beyond Compare to explore the content differences between the two hierarchies. I did have some difficulty where the copy operation initially failed to complete (at least with ES Fire Explorer); to solve I had to copy to a temporary location on the Android first, then from there to the PC. Note my mobile OS is rooted (I don't believe I would have access to the needed location otherwise).

Finally, if I start playing with mods on PC I assume that means I can't load crafts with mod-added parts on Android, right? (I'm assuming the Android version doesn't support mods). Any other mod-related concerns to be aware of? e.g. If I install Parallax on PC would it flag my saves in some way to cause them issues on Android?

Appreciate any other tips anyone can offer!



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    8 Fwiffo

    In case anyone else is trying this. I was able to get it working using DropSync. I tried using SyncThing but got stuck where it said "Your Android version only grants Syncthing readonly access to the selected folder" (https://i.imgur.com/8n3Hnvo.png).

    Note DropSync requires Dropbox, so there's still some cloud involved. On the PC I moved the UserData folder to <DropboxPath>\Juno Saves\UserData then used this command to create a junction at the original location:

    mklink /d "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\UserData" "<DropboxPath>\Juno Saves\UserData"

    Replace <UserName> and <DropboxPath> as appropriate (the latter is usually %HOMEPATH%/Dropbox but I've put mine in a different location from years back when their UI still allowed you to do that).

    I am simply syncing the entire Userdata folder.
    EDIT (Dec 8): After a few days this way I noticed occasional failures that were corrected when I set up a Dropsync exclusion for "PreFlight/GameState.xml".

    I've been syncing for weeks now over the course of a career mode game and it's been working great.

    ps. This comment tool could really benefit from respecting paragraph breaks!

    1.3 years ago
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    1.3 years ago

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