A little ago I saw a shorts from a channel (that i forgot the name) talking about a planet that astronomers in the 1800s thought existed. its name was Vulcan, the YouTuber put a image of the planet Vulcan that orbits the star 40 Eridani (which exists in real life) from the Star Trek series while saying about the non-existant planet. So I looked up this planet and remembered that some images were similar to the planet Tatooine from Star Wars. That's when I had the following idea: why not make a binary star system with binary planets (both habitable) orbiting the star? Well, the question remains: how will I make a binary system of stars and planets? If any of you are seeing this post, please help me do it!!
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2,237 Luckwut
You can use really small celestial body and make both star/planet orbit that celestial body in same orbit. Or you can just make both star/planet have same size and one of them become the 'moon' of other star/planet.
696 heitorM
@AK5Z thanks man! But what youre gonna help me? I think maybe you could help me making the binary stuff, since Tempris system (as i know) is a "quintinary" (?) system
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@AlphaAreospace xD