It's time for another RSS update. The main purpose of this one was to revamp Saturn's moons and re-add them to the system (they were in 1.5 but I removed them since they weren't up to standard). I made a couple of minor changes, including a fix for the skybox (again), and Mars DEM. I also added two entirely new objects, which have never been in RSS. Exactly which ones? Keep reading to find out.

Revamped objects


Before the Iapetus color and elevation map were completely fictional (but based on dark and light spots etc), now it's here and there, some parts are fictional, some aren't, and I tried to make as much of it to be covered by real data as possible while still looking good which is hard when there's shadows in the data and it's limited.

The bright parts are reflective, the dark ones aren't at all, the terrain between the two differs, not fully realistic but looks cool.

The boundary between the two is also variated by noise and I'm proud for being able to pull that off.


First, I made a more detailed DEM:

Then the procedural terrain, which speaks for itself and really fits it imo:


The last one of the objects I wanna mention specifically. Titan is home to liquid methane lakes and an atmosphere thicker than Earth.

Without haze:

The liquid methane is where it's supposed to be, on the poles and equator. But mostly on the north pole, which is the location of Kraken Mare.

The other four

These aren't worth mentioning individually imo, but I spent some time making them look at least decent, and by them I mean Dione and Rhea, Mimas' and Tethys' maps were already done very well by Kexitt.

Something I noticed looking at pictures of a couple of these bodies is that their slopes are shiny, and that's incorporated here too.

New objects



Minor changes

-Increased skybox contrast
-Mars elevation map dynamic range fix
-Changed Phobos gravity (0.5 > 0.1) (still not changing it below 0.1 since it's annoying)

What's next?

With this update complete you may ask what else I have planned for RSS in the future. More moons? Pluto? Neither, really. The reason I started working on RSS again was because RSS 1.5 was outdated, and to not have such a big discrepancy between the quality of the planets and outer moons.

Basically my goal was not to leave it unfinished. I don't actually have any ambitions for continuing work on this project. I've not only accomplished that goal, but exceeded it. I even added Ceres!


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  • Profile image
    1,700 afec7033

    @Dooiereier i hope someone will make realistic parallax version of this system, planet surfaces without parallax are a bit boring now, even small amount of rocks on the surface makes it so much better

    1.2 years ago
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    6,426 Dooiereier

    A shame you ran into issues with Parallax on the other system, wouldve been nice for RSS

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    you did well

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    25.6k HyperPatch

    @Dereric nope

    1.2 years ago
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    13.8k Vedhaspace

    a treat to eyes

    1.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    242 Dereric

    So maybe there is a chance for a new BJS?
    I think I'm not the only one who still uses this system as the default system.

    1.2 years ago
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    362 Ily

    How did you manage to add Milky Way Cubemap as A Spacemap??

    1.2 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    we have titon revamp, les go

    1.2 years ago


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