Some games accept a controller some don't. But your phone connects to Bluetooth controllers. I use a Nintendo switch controller on my phone..

Maybe the Devs can see the potential of adding support for game pad on mobile. If you like this idea or want it in game. This system works off of community votes. More support the more the Attention it gets.

Thank you .



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    @ChaoticGraviton game has to support it . I already use my Nintendo switch controller on world of tanks blitz and metalstorm mobile. Had to set binds as you said on metalstorm . But for example. Be nice if the analog on game for flying airplane for example . Yaw roll and such but through game pad controllers . It's not an important feature but could be a very fun one

    1.3 years ago
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    I know that this is possible on pc, if mobile has controller support you may have to manually set up the keybinds.

    +1 1.3 years ago

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