The in game vizzy only allows thrust as the thrust generated by all engines combined, would there be a way to separate them?
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2,438 Bielzinho767
Well, even if you found a way to get around the problem, I'll help you anyway.
Use the "Funk" block and put the name of the engine and "." and this in front of "JetEngine.CurrentThrust"
Example:ENG.JetEngine.CurrentThrust -
Im making a vtol jet and I want the thrust for the engines to show separately on the mfd.
387 CloakPin
If that dont work save the craft, then delete all engines but one and then check.
398 Toinkove
Why would need a program for that? All you have to do is click on that single engine and view it's thrust in the pop-up part window!
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Nvm i found a way around this problem