Is there a way to make it so that you see your speed in miles per hour instead of metric? This would be so helpful especially for cars! (I don’t want unrealistic speed)
Please help!



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    179 TheMouse


    6 months ago
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    they should add kph and mph for the freedom people. like i wanna know when i hit mach 1 without the flight panel bothering me.

    +1 6 months ago
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    179 TheMouse

    Yes, I know basic changing of units, but I would like to be able to not use metric units.

    +1 6 months ago
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    2,732 Majakalona

    I've gotten used to 2 things already
    Around 666 knots for mach 1 (Reason: because of a Roblox game)
    Around 325 m/s for mach 1 (I think it might be 350 idk) (Reason: kerbal planetary space annialation program)

    +1 6 months ago
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    179 TheMouse

    Yes, I know how to do all that stuff from simple planes. I just need a tutorial to do vizzy if you know of one.

    8 months ago
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    11.4k Tallisar

    To do that @Mousewithamachinegun123, check this forum post out to see how to do just that.

    8 months ago
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    179 TheMouse

    Cool. Also, for links you do this: [clickable text] (link)
    Without the space in between

    8 months ago
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    898 67milo

    @Mousewithamachinegun123 try planet studio here's tutorial tutorial

    8 months ago
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    press the x looking icon on the right in editor

    9 months ago
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    353 Toinkove

    I thought maybe you just wanted it as a starting reference point (like 80 MPH = 179 KPH). I had to do the same to make sure my parachutes were landing my droods at a decent speed (cause I really wasn't sure if 10 m/s was fast or slow!) But once you start working in metric you will start thinking in metric for the game.

    9 months ago
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    179 TheMouse

    @RudimentaryCheezit Sounds ok. How do I get to vixxy?

    9 months ago
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    use vizzy (ingame programming engine)

    while true
    wait 0
    display (craft velocity x 2.23693629)

    9 months ago
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    179 TheMouse

    Ig i could do that, but it would have to be a calculator, and i would have to constantly be typing in the speed to it. I would like somthing instant. I guess I could use a mod, but i am on moble, so I cannot

    9 months ago
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    353 Toinkove

    @RudimentaryCheezit EXACTLY! Lol

    9 months ago
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    not in your head make a computer do it

    9 months ago
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    179 TheMouse

    @RudimentaryCheezit I was hoping to aviod having to do math in my head

    9 months ago
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    multiply the speed by 2.23693629

    9 months ago


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