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    16.0k Tallisar

    The are many ways to make cracks, but if you are referring to like zig-zag and sharp cracks refer to @Zenithspeed ‘s comment. But if you want canyons, you need a noise mask, a remap curve, and the noise. I know how to make rivers, and you make them similar to canyons, but they are more complicated to make, because their noises are different and they don’t need a mask.

    +2 1.1 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    to make cracks, use noise type Cellular, there will be two settings next to it
    the first one can be "Euclidean", "Manhattan", "Natural", and "Euclidean No Overlap" — out of those, the first three are all suitable, but Natural is probably going to be the best
    for the second option, use "Distance 2 Sub", the rest work differently, though some may give similar results
    for the noise itself, a frequency of 5 to 100 (or even beyond) usually work best, and adjust strength as needed
    you may also need domain warps or a remap curve to make them look better, but those are more advanced things and for basic cracks they aren't really needed

    +4 1.1 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut

    currently it's only possible on earth. Though theoretically, you can make crack on other planet with sufficient materials.

    1.1 years ago

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