If you too, we feel the same Thing. 😔
Is one of you guys want feel Playing Space Engine to explore the Universe, but the sad thing you didnt have a PC or Laptop
one year ago
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1,071 Precetom
@Hyperant I want explore Solar System in Space Engine, like the Moon and Minor Moon of Jupiter. Jupiter had so many Moon so i want explore all of Them, but i dont had Laptop or PC 😔
1,071 Precetom
@deepfriedfrenchtoast Like im first time playing Simple Rocket 2 im so happy, also bored after playing long
15.9k Tallisar
I have Space Engine and it is so pretty. I found habitable moons and worlds in alien galaxies, I saw planets that existed inside a binary system inside a nebula; Space Engine is THE best space exploration game.
10.8k deepfriedfrenchtoast
I have space engine and it was fun for a bit but it got boring after playing for a while.
27.1k Zenithspeed
i do want to experience SE but my laptop is way too weak to run it, so it's a similar case with me
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