Future Aircraft+Designation System

I am planning on making many aircraft for Spitty Aeronautics (from now on SA), many of which (as in the majority) are going to be based on real life aircraft. I am also going to give the aircraft designations, which I am now going to list, along with what they mean:
CA-Commercial Airplane
CH-Commercial Helicopter
AB-Bomber/Aircraft Bomber
AF-Aerial Fighter
AG-Ground Attack Aircraft
ECA-Electronics Combat Aircraft
CCA/CA-(Number)F-Cargo Plane used by commercial operators
CCH/CH-(Number)F-Cargo Helicopter used by commercial operators
MC-Cargo Plane used by military operators
MCH-Cargo Helicopter used by military operators
CGR-Cost Guard Recuse aircraft
FFA-Fire Fighting Aircraft
RCA/(Aircraft Designation-Number)R-Rocket Carrying Aircraft
RS-Reconnaissance Aircraft

I hope that these designations make sense to you, as I will be using these for the future!
Now, getting on to the future aircraft. I will only mention a few, mainly due to me not fully having an idea and/or not having a plan yet for some of my mental concepts. Here is a list (also, remember the previous designations) including what they are based off of/inspired by:

CA-45, DC-3
CA-50, DC-4
CA-55, Lockheed Constellation
CA-60, DC-7
CA-75, TU-104
CA-80, DC-8
CA-85, 727
CA-90, Dassault Mercure
CA-150, Lockheed L1011
CA-300, 747
AB-116, B-58 Hustler

I hope that you like the ideas I’m going with, and I also hope that you will like these aircraft when they are made!

My Idea for a Year System

I have had a little idea for a Droo year system called the Droo Standard Year (DSY), which is based on our year system. Say if an event happened in 2058 in our year system, it would also be 2058 in the DSY. I just thought of this so I could have certain years be put for my aircraft, mainly due to some of them being published not in timeline/chronological order. An example could be a fighter jet published before a commercial airliner. The fighter is set in DSY 1971, while the airliner is set in 1965. I hope this part makes sense. I hope to see your opinion on this!


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    105 SkyStrike

    @Spitty I WANT F22!

    one year ago
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    3,670 Isosceles51

    @Randomlyexisting I’m only thinking about mid 20th century era aircraft AT THE MOMENT. Later, I will focus on 21st century aircraft.

    one year ago
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    105 SkyStrike


    one year ago


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