most of these are just low quality garbage that are intended to be used as filler for lore content, but whatever

1: random rocket powered spy drone
"we have SR-71 Blackbird at home"
yeah it does share some similarities, but essentially it's a cheap spy UAV that's imtended to be used more like the U-2 in the sense that it's more for slow, very high altitude cruising, though it can still fly very fast if needed. it's meant to be disposable and thus has fairly advanced systems to quickly transmit all data if something goes wrong, but it can land back and be reused too

2: high-speed jet with cool hexagon design engines
"look ma, i'm an edgelord!!!"
an old school 4th gen fighter jet made in... the 2040's?! okay, the story goes that 5th gen jets are too expensive and time-/resource-consuming to make even with the hyper-OP imported alien tech, so many opt for the tried, tested, and proven but still fairly high-tech 4th gen aircraft, and some even make new ones like this one (which in particular belongs to the main enemy nation in the story, the drone is also theirs, and so is a plane i've made on SP that for now i've paused development on)
oh, and did i mention that the cool hexagonal engine design also has working 3D thrust vectoring? i spent way too long trying to make it work lmao

3: nani??? space station???
this one is still very early and the back half of it isn't done yet, but it's an ISS-style space station with a viewing cupola and whatnot, right now there's a few entry points and exit points, a few parts where there's observation windows, and some solar panels and radiators (oh, you bet i didn't forget about radiators... how else am i supposed to eventually make the lore noticably harder on the scifi softness scale?)
right now there's no interior anywhere, and i'm not sure if you can even traverse it (using cargo bays for this), but i'm planning to make a few things such as:
- lounge area
- minor botanical area (do real life space stations have these? or are my expectations skewed?)
- science lab
- space toilet
- a few easter eggs, in the form of plushies and toys referencing both the lore and my obsessions
the only thing remotely interesting at the moment is this 6-way connection point, which has quite a lot of signs pointing to different areas, and most are rotated in multiple directions to account for the fact that you're in microgravity and there's no true "up"



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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    @Hyperant oh, this isn't even the biggest i've planned
    there's still the LH90 which, even for having an in-universe size class of "Large", is only around 300 to 500 m long (essentially it's at like high-end cargo ship length) but i don't have an exact size for it yet, so with the exception of some of the enemy alien spacecraft (most of which they just stole and/or reverse engineered anyways) the spacecraft in Hypernova are of a much tamer size compared to other scifi

    one year ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    so many big bois

    one year ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    @SeeyaTheFurry yup
    but man there's still a long way to go before i get the lore to be as hard as i want it to be... i gotta redesign like 5 or 6 different alien species so that they no longer look like humanoid animal+animal hybrids, gotta eliminate 2 fictional fuels (Valagama and Cypernis — JRX stays because haha funny 50k kelvin liquid that can be used as rocket propellant and weapon ammo) and then try to signal to the readers that, no, there is no sound in space, and no, we are not turning like in an atmosphere, we are in orbits and we gotta do funky rotations if we wanna get anywhere (or just go so fast that the gravity isn't enough to make you orbit the celestial body and instead you can ASTRO DORIFTO through space)

    +2 one year ago
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    3,443 Kaeya


    +1 one year ago


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