In planet studio, you can give structure parts angular velocity, and if they're static (0 mass) then they rotate forever. I don't think it's used in the stock system and I haven't seen anyone mention it, but it seems like it has a lot of potential for things like radars and such.
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1,664 thatguywhodidathing
@Majakalona Oh yeah, the radar on the control tower. Totally forgot about that, but i'm pretty sure that's the only one. Just seems weird that they'd make rotating parts have lighting, collision, all that just to use it for something so small.
Wow thanks for the idea. I’ll definitely experiment with this.
2,777 apollo12airlockfaliure
It's used in ALI base i think
There was a spinning red thing I remember
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Used it for Wind Turbines for a Droo modification of Droo I did.😊