Go ahead and post anything you'd like to announce to the community or promote your craft in the comments section.
Discussion8 Comments
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2,777 apollo12airlockfaliure
My dog spontaneously combusted after eating 23 sticks of deodorant
517 ModernTech2024
@Starspace By "Hiding propellers" do you mean make them invisible or hide them under a cover? Propellers need an airflow and they need to be visible for safety.
462 AFox
Look at this, the biggest thing I've ever done: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/h418fJ/The-antimatter-engine
462 AFox
@ModernTech2024 Here's a tip: Hide the drone's propeller, it's too vulnerable.
517 ModernTech2024
I have a 5 person drone on my profile. Hoping this is the future of human transformation.
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If you want to advertise your craft, you'd better send out the link.