I recently modded my Wii to have the homebrew channel, I got the open shop channel and I downloaded some stuff, such as what this fourm is basically sorta about, Not64 emulator.
i play it with the GameCube controller (yes, I have the Wii that actually can be used to the full potential)
wait.. why do I even have a GameCube controller? (I don't remember getting it) I don't think anyone knew that the Wii had GameCube support.
Eh, there are 2 N64 controllers but I actually know the reason for them, my dad had an emulator on his computer.
it works great especially because I'm not using a controller that's either based on an airplane flight control airplane mashup of the Boeing controls/steering wheel controls and the flight stick/fighter controls or something designed for aliens.
the c stick probably faces the same problem as playing a DS game on 3ds, no analog joystick.
and it's not like anyone is gonna really notice this sorta off topic fourm, if a SP user can fourm about how they beat half like 2 then cant I make a fourm on Juno about me playing N64 games on my Wii?
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196 TheMouse
@Periodic @Majakalona
He means active users, I think. But it is very obvious, comparing this site to the simpleplanes site, that simple planes is WAY more active. -
2,777 sprunkigetfunky
@Periodic only that much? Huh
Look here! There's definitely more than that! -
2,031 PeriodicAerospace
@TheMouse there’s about 786 people on this site as I remember
196 TheMouse
@Majakalona @HumanoidCreature
No, its not dying. But there are very few active people on it. Did you ever wonder why the devs made a free version? Its cause people are not active at all. This is just a fact. Simple planes is a way better and more active comunity. -
2,777 sprunkigetfunky
@Mousewithamachinegun122 that's because this site is practically dead
People still do stuff here and this game is updated, but simpleplanes has more people
And it's just by like... A few days older than my SP account
it's amazing that I even got this far -
2,777 sprunkigetfunky
@Mousewithamachinegun122 my account here is older than my sipleplanes account
I got the game on my phone first -
I also play Mario 64, but as part of the Nintendo Switch online expansion pass.