Heading1 What is custom exhaust plumes??

       Exhaust colors are how what the color will come out when the rocket engine is activated. Different fuel types affect the color of the exhaust. For example Methalox turns it blue, Kerolox turns it yellow/orange, and Hydrolox turns it white.

However, you could solve and get rid of it by going through the rocket engine configurations. To change it, open the thinker panel and click the cyan button that says “Edit hidden properties” which leads you to many complicated stuff. After clicking, click the arrow to the left 2x then you get rocket engine configs than part and more. There, you can edit the size, color, and many more.

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    387 CloakPin

    I was just trying to eat different beans in hopes it would change my exhaust colors.
    Turns out that candy color is the true suspect.

    10 months ago

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